Naturopathic Medicine
A Naturopathic Doctor’s (ND’s) goal is to find and treat the underlying cause(s) of your health concerns, rather than treating symptoms alone. Our job is not only to help you feel better – but to do so in a way that’s in agreement with how you’re made.
ND’s follow some key principles in their approach to helping you improve your health:
• First, do no harm – use safe and effective health care techniques with the least risk for all patients
• Treat the cause – identify and treat underlying causes of illness, avoid suppression of symptoms
• Treat the whole person – recognize each human being as an integration of mind, body, and spirit
• Doctor as teacher – educate patients on their health, inspire rational hope, and encourage self-care
• Nature knows best – cooperate with nature to promote an individual’s own healing capacity
• Prevention is the best medicine – prevent illness by encouraging individual and community health
As outlined below, Naturopathic Doctors (ND’s) are trained to diagnose and treat the full range of chronic and acute health conditions. Also see FAQs for Naturopathic Medicine.