Naturopathic Medicine

Pre and Post Operative Care and the Use of Supplements


In my practice as a Naturopathic Doctor, I often care for surgical patients with two areas of concerns. There are those patients who are extremely worried about taking any of their supplements during this time and will stop taking everything weeks before and following their procedure. Then there are many patients who seek naturopathic care [...]

Pre and Post Operative Care and the Use of Supplements2017-01-25T04:15:39+00:00

Support Naturopathic Doctors


Please help support Ontario Naturopathic Doctors with just one click. By following the link below and signing your name, a letter of support will go to your local MPP and the Minister of Health, Dr. Eric Hoskins. Friends, Family and Patients sign the letter via this link: Naturopathic Doctors, please click here:

Support Naturopathic Doctors2015-05-25T03:10:16+00:00